FN WENZEL, HERPEL - Züllchow Kr. Randow, Stettin-Frauendorf, Altentreptow, Letzin

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    • FN WENZEL, HERPEL - Züllchow Kr. Randow, Stettin-Frauendorf, Altentreptow, Letzin

      Quelle: Sterberegister Golchen-Letzin 1949

      Bruno Walter Wilhelm Wenzel
      * 18.01.1901 Züllchow Kr. Randow
      +12.03.1949 Altentreptow
      []16.03.1949 Letzin Neuer Friedhof

      - 48 Jahre
      - Arbeiter
      - letzter Wohnort: Letzin
      Standesamt Altentreptow 53/1949

      :s075: Christine
      Informationen zu meinen Vorfahren unter: pommern-lippe-familie.jimdofree.com
      Suche in Pommern in den Kreisen Cammin, Demmin, Greifswald, Grimmen.
      Suche in Mecklenburg um Friedland und in Lippe.
    • Hello,
      Sorry but I don't speak German.
      Bruno Wenzel was my great-grandmother's husband. I'm thrilled by this information because I couldn't find anything about them...
      Do you have further informations about Bruno or his widow, born Martha Anna Else Herpel, in 1904 in Frauendorf (Stettin) ? I think they had two daughters : Annemarie and Gertrude.
      My grandfather was born before Bruno and Martha's wedding, from an unknown father. But he was raised by Bruno until he was sent to France during the war.
      Thank you very much.
      Laurent Martens
    • Hello Laurent,
      unfortunately I don't speak perfect English, but there is DeepL. So we will get on well! For other readers of this question, I'll post the translation here:

      Leider spreche ich kein Deutsch.
      Bruno Wenzel war der Ehemann meiner Urgroßmutter. Ich bin begeistert von dieser Information, weil ich nichts über sie finden konnte....
      Haben Sie mehr Informationen über Bruno oder seine Witwe, geb. Martha Anna Else Herpel, 1904 in Frauendorf (Stettin) ? Ich glaube, sie hatten zwei Töchter: Annemarie und Gertrude.
      Mein Großvater wurde geboren, bevor Bruno und Martha heirateten, sein Vater ist unbekannt. Aber er wurde von Bruno aufgezogen, bis er während des Krieges nach Frankreich geschickt wurde.
      Vielen Dank, Herr Martens.
      Laurent Martens

      I have one enquiry. What is your grandfather's name?
      I looked through my data collection and found this:

      Source: Church register volume 33 - Daberkow confirmations 1894-1960
      Confirmation in Letzin 07. April 1957
      WENZEL, Annemarie Getrud Martha
      * 02. September 1942 Stettin-Frauendorf
      ~ 25. December 1942 Stettin-Frauendorf
      Father: WENZEL, Bruno (+) Labourer/Worker
      Mother: HERPEL, Martha

      You can request a copy of Bruno Wenzel's death certificate from the Altentreptow registry office. With any luck, the document will contain further information about the family. It is very important that you use the word
      "Sterbeeintrag". A death certificate does not contain that much information.
      The number for the "Sterbeeintrag" is: Altentreptow 53/1949
      The contact details of the registry office are:
      Stadt Altentreptow
      Rathausstr. 1
      17087 Altentreptow
      Mail: s.wendt@altentreptow.de

      I will continue to search.

      Best regards
      Informationen zu meinen Vorfahren unter: pommern-lippe-familie.jimdofree.com
      Suche in Pommern in den Kreisen Cammin, Demmin, Greifswald, Grimmen.
      Suche in Mecklenburg um Friedland und in Lippe.
    • Fantastic!
      Thank you so much for your answer and those precious information about Annemarie.
      My grandfather was Günter Fritz August HERPEL, born on September 24th, 1925 in Frauendorf. He died in 1986 in Vieux-Condé, in the North of France, where he had been a coal miner.
      I will follow your advice and request a copy of Bruno's death.
      Thank you again!
    • I was happy to do that. It's nice when the transcription and recording of data can be useful.
      The marriage entry in ancestry from 1928 shows only one daughter (Annemarie Getrud Martha).
      I can find no other references to Martha Herpel and Annemarie, either among the deceased or under marriages.
      Letzin/Daberkow in the former district of Demmin were places in the GDR. Many people fled to West Germany before the Wall was built on 13 August 1961. I think this could also apply to these two.
      Perhaps you will receive new information from the registry office.
      I wish you the best of luck. If you have any further questions, I will try to help.

      *pc* Christine
      Informationen zu meinen Vorfahren unter: pommern-lippe-familie.jimdofree.com
      Suche in Pommern in den Kreisen Cammin, Demmin, Greifswald, Grimmen.
      Suche in Mecklenburg um Friedland und in Lippe.